What to do if you know someone who is struggling with mental health problems?
Cartoon of a family hugging each other with love and care.
Undestand that your support is important.
The small things we say or do can make a big difference to the person going through a mental struggle. Even a simple recognition of someone's struggles can offer great relief to that person.
Cartoon of two happy friends having a pleasant conversation.
Do not be afraid to start the conversation.
Due to mental health stigma, a person may not feel comfortable starting the conversation around their struggles. Do not be afraid to take the first move. They will greatly appreciate it, even if they do not explicitly say so at first.
A cartoon of a woman comforting her friend.
Try your best not to feel upset or get emotional.
It is normal to feel upset if someone you care about is struggling. But staying calm and composed will give them more self-assurance and increase their confidence to openly talk about their struggles.
Cartoon portrait of a happy family.
Stay connected and check up on them.
Do not feel obliged to always be there for them, but staying connected (physically or virtually) and checking up on them every once in a while will give them much needed support if they are going through a tough period.
A cartoon of a man helping his friend carry furniture to his living space.
Offer practical help whenever you can.
Little acts of kindness, like offering to do the groceries for them, doing the dishes for them, or going to appointments with them will offer extensive psychological support and re-assure them that you will always be there for them.
A cartoon of a shy man talking with a psychologist in the company of his friend.
Do not force your support or go behind their backs.
Do not force someone to talk to you or get help if they feel uncomfortable, and especially do not go to a professional on their behalf. This will make them feel powerless and think that they cannot speak for themselves.
A cartoon a man joyfully looking at himself in the mirror.
Take care of yourself throughout the process.
When taking care of someone, do not forget to take some "me" time in the process. Take some time off to relax and do something you enjoy. Neither you nor the person you are helping will benefit if you are constantly under distress.
A cartoon of people participating in group therapy.
Attempt to connect them with professional help.
If you feel helpless in supporting them or if you feel that their mental health is affecting their daily lives and they may benefit from further support, try to get them to talk with industry professionals who are specialists in such issues.
Support others the same way you would like them to support you.
Four friends walking in a park while holding hands.
How to help others if you do not know of anyone who has mental struggles?
Call a friend or a family member to see how they are doing.
Smile at a stranger in the street.
Laugh at a joke if no one else is laughing, even if you did not find it funny.
If you see someone who is shy or who is alone, talk to them and invite them to hangout with you and your friends.
Do not spread gossip about people.
Volunteer for a mental health organization.
Donate money to a mental health charity.
Spread the word on mental health and help fight mental health stigma